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Pagan Rebirth

Pagan Life Celebration
Pagan Life Celebration

In ones very own solar year resp. in the progress of life are events, too, which should be celebrated dignified, devoted or cheerful. Maybe you would like to commemorate a very special kind of birthday?

A pagan birthday party is an ancient rite, which is mostly unknown nowadays. Therefore it is rarely celebrated in this way. Name consecrations (a ceremony closely related to the meaning of the particular name) are a pagan tradition also, likewise as youth initiation ceremonies or farewell- and divorce rituals.

Furthermore we offer magical resolution rituals, e. g. to uncouple from old friends, marriage partners and bad habits as well as from enemies and enviers. Just that makes it possible to begin a new phase of life without being affected by these inherited liabilities.

Birthday ceremony
Birthday ceremony

Our offer contains:

  • Pagan Birth Initiation (baptism)
  • De-Baptism (ceremony for magical resolution of the chr. baptism ritual)
  • Name Consecration
  • Youth Initiation / Initiation Rituals
  • Pagan Birthday Feast
  • Divorce-, Farewell- and Resolution Rituals
  • Pagan Funeral Ceremony (belatedly also for family or friends possibly being buried according to monotheistic religious traditions)

All life celebrations starting at 198,- Euro. We can arrange your festivity individually. Therefore we offer various selectable items.

Get your personal offer now!