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The spiritual wedding – a bond for eternity!

Are ONE, are TWO – are WE and I
I see you and you see me!!

If these words speak to you, then you know the feeling of being spiritually connected to someone. It is an invisible yet real bond that connects us to this one person. It is this feeling of togetherness that makes a relationship so valuable. A bond that preserves love for a lifetime. Even when the body loses its bloom in the course of its life.

If you are getting married because of your deep spiritual connection to each other, then we recommend our spiritual wedding. Because that is the true bond of love.

„I saw to your bottom, your true face
and have known since that hour what true love is.“

We perform this ceremony according to the ancient tradition of our pagan ancestors as part of a magical consecration wedding. In this ceremony, not only the two bodies but also the two sparks of life are joined together.

Two sparks of life, that merge and become one.

Through this ritual act, the bride and groom remain connected even after death. They make arrangements in this life to meet again in the next life and walk the path of life together again as faithful companions. This magical bond welds the couple together and protects the consecrated companionship. A spiritual wedding is also suitable for existing marriages.

The magical consecration wedding includes:

  • Spiritual cleansing of the couple
  • Magical protection during the ceremony
  • The wedding band is charged with a special protective frequency that helps the couple in difficult times
  • The marriage temple is charged with a special protective frequency that ensures the couple’s undisturbed togetherness at the moment of marriage
  • The wedding rings can also be charged if desired

The true spiritual wedding is already included in all our marriage services.