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Eheleite and handfasting

A Eheleite (to escort into marriage) is the old way of holding a wedding. At such a marriage ceremony, however, not only the bride and groom but also two families/clans are bound together (Handfasting). A new clan is created, which is why the consent of all family members involved in the wedding is an important matter. In addition to the physical bond between the spouses, greater emphasis is placed on the sense of belonging between two families who will become a single family in the future.

Those who go further and decide in favour of a spiritual marriage agree with their companion that, in addition to the physical bond, the eternal and powerful bond of spiritual togetherness should also be documented and entered into. According to the ancient tradition of our pagan ancestors, this takes place during a magical consecration wedding. This is the only way to achieve a real bond between the couple, which can also extend beyond physical death if desired. This gives the bride and groom the chance to join together in the next life in order to continue their companionship.

To achieve such a bond, a special band (wedding band, Handfasting) is made especially for the bride and groom and consecrated to the natural elements. Just as wind, sun, water and earth must hold together and work together to make life on our planet possible, the sewn wedding band also binds the bride and groom together for all time. The tying together symbolises the harmonious togetherness, as if two parts were screwed together, which now want to function together as a single part.

There is currently no legal regulation in Germany as to who is authorised to carry out such a handfasting. Basically, anyone could do it. However, a bridal couple will not choose just anyone, but will make a very personal decision. Before Christianisation, it was the heads of clans, the respective feudal lord, and of course the local priestesses or, in later times, male druids and shamans. But the blacksmith could also ‘forge’ someone together, the weaver or basket weaver could bind or weave someone together. The bride and groom made a very personal decision as to who should perform the Handfasting.