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Medieval Marriage on 02 August 2013 on Sparrenberg Castle of Bielefeld

Under the eyes of The Great Elector, Nicole and Nils met on the Bielefeld Sparrenburg for a marriage according to old custom. After the register office appointment and all other formalities were done, it went on from the castle’s own register office chamber to the wedding ceremony.

The sun had reached its highest level and the dignified walls of the Sparrenburg barely casted a shadow at all. 350 years ago The Great Elector and his wife Luise Henriette of Orange resided here and two of their children were born here, too. The late medieval sovereign couple benevolently looked onto Nicole and Nils now and blessed their connection with plenty of sunshine and once again record temperatures of more than 35°C.

Via the Ceremony of Handfasting (the interconnection of the bridal couple with their hands) the tie is being knotted by the pair of priests and proclaimed to the whole world: Nils and Nicole are a married couple by their own will and the old gods give their blessing to it. The goddess Wör, who hears all oaths and vows, has heard the mutual oath and henceforth watches over its abidance.

On Sunday already, Nicole and Nils want to start their four-week honeymoon trip, but prior to that them and their guests wanted to shake a leg together. Since the medieval elector couple thereto provided the castle courtyard of the Sparrenburg, we could start a small court ball under the eyes of the Prussian-Orange sovereignties.
When all guests celebrated the elector, the bridal couple and the nice day then, bid their farewells to the guests, which were called to a collective medieval banquet by a bard. Dear Nicole and dear Nils: We wish you all the best for the future of the two of you and much joy on your journey through mutual life!

Pictures of the Medieval Marriage

2 Kommentare zum Beitrag

  1. Ein ganz großes Dankeschön für dieses wunderschöne Erlebnis einer mittelalterlichen Hochzeitszeremonie sagen wir dem Team von ‘Heidnische Eheleiten’! Wir waren stark beeindruckt!
    Dagmar und Arnold

  2. Hey Ihrs

    Sind wohlbehalten und reich an Erfahrungen von unserer Hochzeitsreise zurück gekehrt und haben heute auch endlich die Zeit und die Ruhe gefunden uns die DVD anzusehen.
    Sie ist wirklich wundervoll geworden.
    Ein dickes Lob an euch alle für diesen wunderschönen Tag. Ihr habt unsere Hochzeit wirklich zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis und etwas ganz Besonderem gemacht! !

    Auch das Fotoalbum ist spitze geworden.
    Vielen Dank nochmal für alles und liebe Grüße an alle!
    Nils und Nicole

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