When bridal couples combine their wedding day with the naming ceremony of their offspring, this is a particularly touching event for everyone involved. As a part of the marriage of Jasmine and Niels we may perform the name consecration for their son Jarik Thorin Angron. He saw the light of day 11 months ago.
At the naming ceremony, the little baptizand is brought into contact with fire, water, earth and air, that is, with all four elements. Like at all times, the Norns spin the thread of life for little Jarik. They whisper the meaning of his name and explain its true meaning. “Jarik Thorin Angron” means: “Jarl about thunder and life!”
Godi Linda expresses her affection and deep closeness by singing a song with guitar accompaniment to her godchild. The father hands over a Viking compass to his son, which should show him the right way at any time. We wish you all the best for your life, be courageous, loyal and honest! May our gods watch over you.
… Ich wär so gern ein großer, grüner, starker Baum
Ein Berg, ein Fels in Sturm und Brandung warmer sich’rer Hort
‘ne starke, feste Schulter, Spender für Geborgenheit
Die Rückendeckung, Sicherheit, Vertrauen für alle Zeit …
Und genau so soll und wird es sein kleiner Jarik! <3
Wundervolle Zeremonie vom Donnergott höchstselbst gesegnet.
Sehr berührend war auch das Lied seiner Godi, und das Geschenk seines Vaters an ihn.
Auf dass der kleine Wikinger sein Glück findet.
Seine Familie wird ihn dabei immer unterstützen und für ihn da sein!!!