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Samhain – when do you actually celebrate it?

With the full moon of 24 October 2018, this year’s Samhain Celebration begins – the Samhain time, the third Celtic harvest festival. The old growing season ends, the life and growth period is over.

However, winter does not begin until the next new moon (07.11.2018), which is celebrated as the end of Samhain. The wild hunt rages between the full moon and the new moon, much like the 13 rough nights in Germanic-Nordic customs.

The ghost nights between Samhain’s full moon and Samhain’s new moon are used for remembering the dead, hero worship and repulsing evil spirits. Scary masks are used and noise and fireworks are staged to dispel evil spirits as well as bad habits and unwanted events.

At the same time Samhain in Celtic tradition is the last celebration of the old year (3rd Celtic harvest festival, the last fruits are brought in), but also the first celebration of the new year (the beginning of the new calendar year).

The Samhain Festival is thus not a holiday in the sense of other holidays, but a process extending over several days (half a moon period). This period serves to gradually (but definitely and irresistibly) say goodbye to the old year and old things and to prepare for the new year.

Ein Kommentar zum Beitrag

  1. Hallo Eheleite!

    Ein Freund von uns hatte uns erzählt, daß er bei einer Eheleite dabei war, als jemand aus seinem Bekanntenkreis heiratete. Wie geht es denn euch so? Wir hoffen doch gut. Wenn ihr mal in der Schweiz seid, sagt einfach Bescheid.

    Schönen Gruß an das ganze Team!
    Kerstin und Henry

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