The intense time of this wedding season is over. Meanwhile, the autumn leaves on the trees turn to the most beautiful colours. The sun is also even lower in the firmament. Many of us have been on holiday in the last few weeks. This year’s wonderful impressions are processed and preserved in our memory!
As you could read, we have performed our 100th wedding anniversary in the late summer and duly celebrated it. A lot of fun was provided by the creatively created collage, on which all previous bridal couples can be found. It was huge fun, sometimes a little brooding, and immediately the memories and episodes of the past were alive again.
We hung up this collage on our 100th wedding in Elmshorn (Daniela and René), at the beautiful big anchor for general viewing. Also on the next day, to the name consecration in Osterholz, this collage hung again. Many stayed and especially our two former bridal couples: Mayleen/Robert and Imke-Aïta/Jan (who were present at the 100th wedding party or on the Sunday naming) looked for themselves of course.
We have received many verbal and written congratulations from you for our anniversary. Thanks a lot for this! It touches us deeply to hear of newlyweds whose handfasting already took place several years ago.
All of your congratulations motivate us to continue our journey and to make every future ceremony a highlight. We look forward to seeing you again soon!
Sonnige Gruesse aus dem schoenen Kanada
Greetings from Vanessa and the boys!