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Life Celebration on 16 December in Brandenburg an der Havel

The dark season has dawned again and the year is coming to an end. As we indulge in the lightheartedness of summer in the sunshine, we begin to be thoughtful in the dark season. We review the year. This is a completely natural cycle, and even our ancestors adapted to this rhythm and celebrated appropriate annual and life festivals.

So it is just the right time to break away from old habits and make a fresh start. In this sense, we have performed a pagan ritual, a life celebration for Daniel.

If you want to start a new life, then it is important to consciously break away from old and entrenched habits. Because only then a new beginning can be created.

Near the city of Brandenburg an der Havel, Daniel’s friends and a few family members gather to pay tribute to the ancient gods – and to accompany Daniel on his way to the new stage of life. The atmosphere of firelight, in the fog of dusk, is mystical and powerful.

Dear Daniel, thank you very much for the great honour of committing this special celebration with you. We gladly attended the completion of a chapter and ritually accompanied you to start the new life.

Ein Kommentar zum Beitrag

  1. Ich möchte mich ganz herzlich bei für die heidnische Zeremonie anläßlich meines Geburtstages bedanken.

    Das ganze Ambiente, die spirituelle Atmosphäre und die Möglichkeit, alle störenden Dinge ablegen zu können und so gewissermaßen neu geboren zu werden – das Alles hat mich tief beeindruckt.

    Vielen Dank auch an meine Freunde und meine Familie. Ihr alle habt diesen Tag unvergeßlich werden lassen.
    Ich wünsche allen ein frohes Julfest und ein erfolgreiches neues Jahr.

    Viele Grüße – auf bald!


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