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Pagan Wedding on 03 May 2014 in the Ostalb District

On a cold Saturday, Jana and Michael once again pledged loyalty towards each other in front of 80 guests and 30 of us. The two chose their fifth wedding anniversary for the renewal of their marriage vow.

Right next to Aalen, where once a Roman equestrian cohort performed their service, the fantasia village of Braighausen can be found. On a small lawn in the courtyard, we arranged the fairground for our first bridal couple of the year 2014. After a beautiful pagan ceremony with a resplendent bride, the celebration went on in the fabulous scenery of Braighausen.

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A new Wedding Year begins

We await the new wedding year with great suspense and look forward to all the bridal couples and guests. This year we will start in Baden-Wuerttemberg and in Switzerland, will travel to France, Italy, Hamburg and to the Dutch border to perform pagan ceremonies and medieval marriages. Of course we will also be under way in Berlin and several other German cities, and feast and celebrate name consecrations, weddings and other occasions there together with you.

The whole year is entirely prearranged already; who wants to apply spontaneously is welcome to chance it anyway. For a small or secret ceremony there is always a little spot left. Apart from that, we have begun our planning for the year I2015 by now, the first requests reached us already. If you also want to perform a ceremony with us in I2015, it would be about time to contact us then – so that we can arrange an appointment.

We will, like always, report about the marriages in sound and vision on this webpage and look forward to the opinions and commentary of our bridal couples and their guests.

Medieval Marriage, Handfasting and Wedding-Highlights 2013 wants to say thank you very much to all of the 24 spouses and to the total of 1.180 guests of the year 2013.

Also in this year, travelling through the country and being together and celebrating with our bridal couples, jubilarians and their guests, has been a great pleasure to us. Every medieval marriage, every pagan wedding, handfasting, birthday or name consecration gave incredibly much joy to us! It was lovely meeting you nice people and celebrating and designing your weddings together with you.

For a couple of weeks, all of the 12 bridal couples of the year 2013 can be seen here again – until we will start the new wedding year with a celebration to the Celtic Alban Eilirin on 20 March.

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Pagan Customs: Pelting Millet

With the end of antiquity millet established itself as a staple food throughout Europe. The Greek philosopher Pythagoras advised it and even Attila, king of the Huns, is said to have served solely millet to his guests. The porridge that flows over the edge in Grimm’s well-known fairy tale of the Sweet Porridge (“The Magic Porridge Pot”) consists of millet and millet forms the delicious mountain range of the “land of milk and honey”. Therefore, millet stands as a symbol for food and material prosperity.

Hence a pagan custom was still practiced in the late Middle Ages: Friends and relatives pelt the bridal couple with millet to wish wealth and material blessing for the newly-married couple in this way.

As fruitful, as the millet prospers, wealth and material goods shall grow for the bridal couple and approach them from all sides.

Video about Pelting Millet