5 years ago we meet Bianca as a guest at a wedding party. Today she is the proud mom of a 14 month old sunshine. We are therefore very pleased to be allowed to perform the naming ceremony for her daughter Eila Ida Wilhelmine.
Heidnische Neuigkeiten
Youth Celebration on 21 July 2018 near Peine
Arthur’s life cycle begins with his birth in December 2011. Soon after, we are allowed to perform his name celebration. Time flies – now he is already in his seventh year of age. He will be send to school in a few days and for that reason receives his youth celebration today.
Pagan Marriage on 7 July 2018 in Bergen an der Dumme
Our bridal couple Miriam and Wanja have been living in Norway for a long time already. However, in order to celebrate their wedding with friends and relatives, they have decided to get married in their old home. Therefore we gather in the southwestern Wendland in the small town of Bergen an der Dumme.
Revived Pagan Customs – the Youth Initiation
Just as you celebrate the annual celebrations of nature, every seven years you celebrate the stages of a human life. The birth, the first day at school, the youth initiation, the majority, the wedding, the motherhood …
Pagan Wedding on 26 May 2018 in Prinzbach in the beautiful Black Forest
In the merry month of May we celebrate the pagan wedding with Simone and Jukka at the Prince Creek in the Central Black Forest. Embedded into a hilly landscape the couple unites according to old pagan custom.