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Pagan Birth Initiation on 01 Juli 2014 near Bad Segeberg in Schleswig-Holstein

When Rita and Björn celebrated their wedding with us three years ago, it was basically clear already that we would meet again. All the common laughter, enjoying and feasting, the great mutual sympathy and respect had to continue absolutely. And therefore 14 of us and just as many family members met for the pagan birth initiation (name consecration) of little Thilo, who celebrated his first birthday these days.

During the name consecration the meaning of the name of the baptizand was explained and the interaction of the four elements was symbolised. Father Björn presented a shield to his son as a talisman for his further journey through life, on which the words: “Bravery and Honesty” were engraved as an omen for his son. The Gedi (godparents) Richard and Konrad promised to be always on Thilo’s side, if he ever needed them in his life. In conclusion to the consecration ceremony, the name rune of the baptizand was ignited and all guests assembled underneath the burning symbol for a collective picture.

We want to thank all guests for the wonderful ceremony. Especially to our hosts Konrad und Svenja: Be thanked a lot for the warm welcome, the pleasant stay and for the good treat.

And for the young family: May the old gods always watch over you and protect you!

Pictures of the Name Consecration

2 Kommentare zum Beitrag

  1. Danke, mehr bleibt mir nicht zu sagen, für diese wunderbare Veranstaltung. Ich hoffe Ihr seid alle gut nach Hause gekommen.
    Es war super schön Euch nach den 3 Jahren endlich mal wieder zu sehen.
    Wir wünschen Euch ebenfalls alles Gute und mögen die alten Götter immer eine schützende Hand über Euch halten.

  2. Auch von mir ein herzliches Dankeschön für die schöne Zeremonie. Toll, dass ihr so zahlreich erschienen seid. So viele bekannte Gesichter, als sei es gestern gewesen. 😉
    Bestimmt sehen wir uns nochmal wieder. Daher ein fröhliches AUF BALD und alles Gute für die weiteren Vorhaben.

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