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Youth Celebration on 21 August 2021 in Lower Saxony

Today we are guests of Nicole and Dirk in Lower Saxony. We have met this nice family for many years and have taken all of you into our hearts for a long time.

We are therefore very happy to be able to celebrate another family event with you.

And so we guide the eight-year-old Leni into a new, exciting phase of life.

The youth celebration ceremony illustrates the constant cycle of life. The existence, the development, the progress and becoming, until some day one arrives at the end of a phase of life or even the whole path of life.

For this purpose, we have depicted Leni’s entire life as a torchlight passage. The path already covered, which has led her to the gate of the present today, which she must now traverse in order to arrive in her future. Will Leni dare to take this step? Will she manage to open the gate?

At this point we can reveal that Leni found the right key to pass through the gate that connects the past and the future. Hereby Leni threw herself protective and escort runes on her life path. Runes that she had drawn beforehand herself.

Of course, the three Norns were also present, who stand for the fate of a person and thus also symbolize the various stages of a person’s life. And like life itself, the Norns place a wide variety of tasks on Leni. With wisdom, skill, artistic talent and her charming smile, Leni solves all of these challenges and receives all kinds of prices and rewards for this. Like in real life. And as in real life, Leni shares her happiness and prices with all the other children, because:

Gifts are fun, regardless of whether you give or take them!

A wisdom for life that Leni has learned today. At the end of the ceremony, Leni is hugged by her parents and all the other children and parents applaud her!

While the sun is shining, the lively group of children romps through the home garden later. Of course everyone wants to dance on a day like this, and you can feel the enthusiasm of young and old when the first dance rhythms sound. With tender harp melodies and common singing, this eventful day finally ends under the star-shined full moon sky.

We thank Leni and her entire family, friends, neighbors and everyone present for allowing us to be a part of this special day. It was very nice to spend this day with you and we hope to see you again soon!

6 Kommentare zum Beitrag

  1. Liebe Leni,

    wir wünschen Dir auf Deiner Reise zum Erwachsenwerden die schönsten Momente, viele tolle Erfahrungen und Begegnungen, die Dich bereichern.
    Bleibe Deinen Zielen treu!

    Von der nunmehr 3ten Festlichkeit, die wir mit eheleite erleben, sind wir begeistert. Wie abwechslungsreich, liebevoll gestaltet und welche ausgelassene Stimmung ihr verbreitet.

    Liebe Grüße
    Peggy & Micha

  2. “Life has no limitations excapt the ones you make …” – Es war heute eine wunderschöne Feier – danke, daß wir dabei sein durften.

    Deine Oma + Dein Onkel Stefan

  3. Liebe Leni,
    nun beschreitest du einen neuen Abschnitt in deinem Leben. Behalte deinen Ehrgeiz und die Zielstrebigkeit für immer! Denn dann musst du nicht warten bis deine Träume sich erfüllen, sondern kannst sie dir selbst ermöglichen.

    Liebe Grüße Alex, Josi, Melvin & Sabrina

  4. Liebe Leni,
    heute bist du vom Kindesalter ins Mädchenalter übergetreten. Wir wünschen dir, dass du alle deine Ziele erreichst, deine fürsorgliche Art soll dir erhalten bleiben & bleib wie du bist.
    Liebes Eheleite-Team, es war wieder eine wunderschöne Zeremonie.
    Vielen Dank
    Doreen & Manuela

  5. Liebe Leni,

    ich wünsche dir das allerbeste für deinen neuen Lebensabschnitt.
    Bleib wie du bist, behalte deine Fröhlichkeit und denke immer daran, dass ich jederzeit für dich da bin, wenn du mich brauchst.

    Ganz liebe Grüße

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